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Making Southern Nevada's school system more equitable and culturally competent.

The PLT has a track record of building capacity among families to contribute to the success of their school community.


June 2019:

The PLT is Born

Following an initial incubation partnership with Opportunity 180, as well as numerous meetings connecting with parents interested in fighting for the rights of their children, the PLT organized parents, crafted strategic objectives, and formed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

December 2020:

Advocacy for Internet Access during COVID Shutdowns

Amid the challenges brought on by school shutdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, families faced immense stress while keeping their kids at home for virtual learning. Language and tech barriers further complicated matters, leaving many with only phone access. The main issue was the lack of high-speed internet, hindering children's ability to participate in online learning effectively. Although schools offered a program for chrome books and internet access, not all families received the support, and the provided internet quality was inadequate, especially for households with multiple kids. The PLT stepped up to advocate for better internet services to enhance the Connect and Compete program in partnership with CCSD and Cox. More than 200,000 students were assisted through this initiative, with multiple organizations supporting the cause. Read about it in El Mundo. 

September 2021:

PLT Participation in CCSD's Anti-Racism Taskforce

The taskforce was made up of a diverse group of community members, policy experts, and advocates interested in contributing to the development of an anti-racism policy for the Clark County School District. The group was tasked with helping inform an anti-racism policy for the school district.

October - November 2021:

Launched Bullying Workshops for Families

Anti-bullying workshops were hosted to inform families and share resources to prevent violence in schools. The discussions centered around building strong and supportive family relationships and social environments for children. Read about it in El Mundo.

November 2021:

Advocacy for Spanish Translation Services

Advocated at the Clark County School District (CCSD) Board of Trustees meeting for the implementation of Senate Bill AB195, which requires that a translator be provided at school board meetings, agendas be printed in Spanish (and other languages), and individualized education programs (IEPs) be translated into Spanish.

March 2021: Spanish Mental Health Forum

The PLT worked directly with CCSD to host the first Mental Health Forum entirely in Spanish. The discussion centered on how the pandemic has impacted the mental health of students with the goal of suicide prevention. This was the first time that mental health information was provided in Spanish and in a way that was culturally competent.

February 2022:

 Symposium Gets at the Heart of Bilingualism

At this symposium in partnership with Northern Nevada TESOL and Nevada State College, the PLT addressed the education community to share ideas on how to establish and maintain effective communication between schools and families from diverse cultures.


Join us to empower more parents to advocate for their children's education and future.

Our work is driven by our committed volunteers, whose dedication to families makes our work possible. Will you join us?


Join us to empower more parents to advocate for their children's education and future.

Our work is driven by our committed volunteers, whose dedication to families makes our work possible. Will you join us?

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Parent Leadership Team of Nevada  |  702 900-3090

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